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A Fresh Look at Current Trends in Landscape Architecture

Let’s connect the dots between recent shifts in landscape architecture, climate action measures, design elements, and planning strategies.

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Climate Targets and Landscape Architecture

Today, the spotlight is on resilience rather than solely on carbon emission reduction. Introducing tools like Pathfinder and Carbon Conscious as crucial steps towards achieving climate goals.

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Studying Landscapes in the Context of Climate Change

Understanding a landscape goes beyond aesthetics – it’s about assessing factors like emissions, water usage, biodiversity, and others, pertinent to climate change.

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Ensuring Pedestrian Safety Through Landscape Design

Increasing pedestrian fatalities present a challenge to landscape architects. Let’s see their role in enhancing pedestrian safety by creating safer urban spaces.

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Rising Challenges with Electric Vehicles

As electric vehicles become more common, let’s dissect the implications for landscape architects and their responsibility in planning effective charging infrastructures.

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Rising Challenges with Electric Vehicles

As electric vehicles become more common, let’s dissect the implications for landscape architects and their responsibility in planning effective charging infrastructures.

Debate around Landscape Architecture Education: Science or Design?

The pendulum of debate swings between the sciences and design in landscape architecture courses. We’ll shed light on this ongoing discussion.

Landscape Architecture: A Profession on the Decline?

Shorter careers and the long road to leadership roles seem to be contributing to the dwindling number of professionals in landscape architecture. Let’s examine why.

A Change of Strategy in Landscape Architecture

The landscape of architecture education is under revision, with shorter programs, alternative pathways, and in-house training gaining prominence.

An Emphasis on Health in Landscape Designs

The spotlight is on designs that promote inclusivity, mental health, restorative spaces, sensory gardens, and therapeutic landscapes.

Urban Heat Islands: A Matter of Concern

The correlation between urban heat islands and human activities is more apparent than ever. We’ll discuss the associated problems and potential solutions.

Welcome to the Digital Age of Landscape Architecture

Drones, BIM, VR, AR, and 3D printing: Landscape architecture is now future-forward with the addition of these high-tech tools.

Rounding Off

As we wrap up, let’s revisit the key points of the influence of these trends in shaping tomorrow’s landscape architecture.


  • What are the main trends in landscape architecture for 2024?
    Expect to see a targeted approach towards climate action measures. Design firms and governmental bodies are already outlining climate targets for this decade. There’s an immediate need for actionable policies and accountability to reach these goals.
  • Why is pedestrian safety important in modern landscape architecture?
    Rising instances of pedestrian deaths have put safety at the forefront. Landscape architects have a part to play in this, with potential design solutions including additional walkways, end-of-trip facilities, and maximum speed limits for e-mobility vehicles.
  • How does technology play a part in landscape architecture?
    Landscape architecture is being infused with cutting-edge technology for efficiency and precision. Tools of the trade now include drones, GPS, BIM, VR, AR, and even 3D printing.
  • What changes are expected in landscape architecture profession in 2023?
    Major changes are underway, propelled by the urgency of climate change and environmental crises. The focus is squarely on undoing past planning missteps, addressing social justice issues, and creating a more equitable profession.


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